Apr 12, 2015


Richard-Wagner-Straße & Lenbachaus Königplatz Promenadeplatz Michael Jackson memorial, Promenadeplatz Les Deux Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Rococo exhibit at the Kunsthalle Kunsthalle Café Kunsthalle ALL ART HAS BEEN CONTEMPORARY, Ägyptisches Museum Ägyptisches Museum Ägyptisches Museum Ägyptisches Museum Ägyptisches Museum Ägyptisches Museum Ägyptisches Museum TUM, Gabelsbergerstraße [+ de photos](https://www.flickr.com/photos/tucpasquic/sets/72157651910556112)

Apr 11, 2015


Jüdisches Museum München JA! (Rindermarkt) Watch, Apple Store Rosenstr. Watch, Apple Store Rosenstr. Dirndl & pink baloons, Königplatz Lenbachhaus Macke & Marc exhibit, Königplatz U-Bahn (Kunstbau) Macke & Marc exhibit, Königplatz U-Bahn (Kunstbau) Joseph Beuys exhibit, Lenbachhaus Joseph Beuys exhibit, Lenbachhaus Joseph Beuys exhibit, Lenbachhaus Joseph Beuys exhibit, Lenbachhaus Königplatz from the Lenbachhaus Kandinsky (The Blue Rider exhibit), Lenbachhaus Kandinsky (The Blue Rider exhibit), Lenbachhaus Kandinsky (The Blue Rider exhibit), Lenbachhaus The Blue Rider exhibit, Lenbachhaus Amazone (The Blue Rider exhibit), Lenbachhaus Art After 1945 exhibit, Lenbachhaus Art After 1945 exhibit, Lenbachhaus 19th Century exhibit, Lenbachhaus Art After 1945 exhibit, Lenbachhaus AUSGANG, Lenbachhaus Gurke (Art After 1945 exhibit), Lenbachhaus The Starting Line (Art After 1945 exhibit), Lenbachhaus Lenbachhaus Shop Staatliche Antikensammlungen, Königplatz STAY and PRAY, Heilig Geist Kirche

Hello, new friends

Hello! At first, your visit surprised me, but now it feels like we are bff. Love, ❦ DODfriends
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